Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Adult Learning for Enterprise Resource Planning Courses

ERP has is a fairly new technology even if the processes automated by an ERP has existed for many years, the use of the technology is still new.

I read in some article that there is a great need for ERP professionals today and that not too many young, technology-savvy professionals are as much interested into ERP as they are interested in other technologies like systems programming.

So many companies are looking into their existing business staff who may have been with them for quite so time. In short, some senior staff or those who are not the very young once.

It is good to know that a company, Titan Technology Partners has been placing a premium on ERP training for adults. Titan has been a known provider of high quality ERP training to help business with their business activities and turn investments on technology into maximized return of investments.

It is even a more exciting development now that Titan has acquired GBSynergy which will enable Titan to come up with more innovative training courses for ERP training.

Karen Berentsen, the senior vice president of Education Services of Titan, the partnership will boost interest of companies to have their staff for adult learning on ERP.

Titan's ERP training is based on learning theories and at the same time incorporating engaging games and online tools to optimize learning of adults.

Titan understands that the learning behaviors of adults are very different from those of children. The curriculum for the ERP training include subjects that immediate relevance to the jobs of the adult students.
Berenstsen said that key in having games for learning is that games are very human activities which involve interaction. This will relax the atmosphere because ERP can really be intimidating especially for adults who are just learning from scratch. Berentsen also understands that adults are competitive in nature and games can bring out this competitiveness and relate it to the ERP learning scenario.
Any IT professional would agree that ERP is not easy. In fact ERP systems are often very complex and more often than not, many users do not understand that they don’t work in a bubble. The games played in the adult ERP trainings also try make the students understand integration. In real life business situations, there is a direct impact on, say, purchasing and finance and some staff may not understand this.
I am not sure very sure if Titan offers ERP for many vendors. The only name mentioned was Oracle, which is one of the leading developers of business solutions. But whether they also cater to other brands or not, my point is that adult education in ERP education is a good move.
Enterprise resource planning is a technology that has become more indispensable in today's pace of businesses. While it is true that implementing ERP is not only complicated in term of infrastructure, cost of software could be extremely expensive. And the trainings do not come cheap.
But then the return of investments will definitely be long term.

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